Avoid These 5 PAT Testing Mistakes at All Costs!

Business Knowledge

PAT testing is a critical part of any organization’s security risk management program, but it doesn’t have to be this hard. Many organizations struggle with understanding what a PAT test is, how it is conducted, and how it should be run. There are many ways to conduct a basic PAT test, and all of them can be effective, but if you don’t do things right, you can easily fail to find the vulnerabilities you are looking for. To help you avoid these PAT testing mistakes, we’ve compiled a list of things you should look at and avoid at all costs.

Top 5 PAT Testing Mistakes

1. Not Scheduling Regular Inspections

If you aren’t scheduling regular PAT Testing Sussex on different appliances, you may not know when they need to be replaced or repaired. This could result in faulty equipment being used in the workplace, which could cause an accident or injury at any time. It is important that you schedule regular tests so that your appliances can be inspected at least once every year or two depending on how often they are used. If you do not schedule these tests, there is no telling when something might go wrong with your appliances or ductwork until it becomes an emergency situation.

2. Not Knowing What You’re Looking For

A key part of any inspection is knowing what you’re looking for before looking at anything. It’s important to understand what each piece of equipment does and how it works to know where to look for problems when conducting your tests. For example, if you’re inspecting a boiler room, knowing how boilers work will help you identify potential issues before they become problems later down the line.

3. Not Using the Correct Tools

The wrong tools can make performing PAT Testing Sussex difficult or even impossible. For example, if you don’t have the right voltage tester for checking power outlets, you won’t get accurate results from your tests and could miss out on some serious problems.

4. Failing to Test the Correct Equipment

There are many different types of electrical equipment in use in businesses today. Only those that fall within the scope of your PAT testing contract should be tested. This could include any fixed electrical installation, such as lighting, sockets, and switches, following current regulations. It may also include portable appliances such as coffee machines and microwaves if used to provide power to other equipment, e.g., mobile phones. If you’re unsure whether something needs to be tested, contact a reliable PAT Testing Sussex company.

To ensure that your employees and visitors remain safe while a PAT test is taking place, they must be kept well away from the areas where tests are being carried out, usually around the circuit breaker panel. Ensure no obstacles in these areas, including boxes and cables, which could pose a risk during testing or after completion if they’re moved back into place too soon after testing.

There are many common mistakes made when it comes to PAT testing, but some steps can completely avoid these. By following the tips above, you should find that PAT testing is much more manageable and an inspection method that will help ensure that you are safe in your working environment.

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