What is a Postal code on a debit card?

Banking & Finance

First thing, we would like to clarify to you that Postal Code is not printed on a debit card like other numbers such as PAN, PIN, and SSN. A Postal card is a five-digit number that is not in your card, it’s in your mind that also shows your existing residence address where you live. It requires all those times when you perform the activity with a debit card.

What are the other names of the Postal Code?

People also call postal codes with two other different names like ZIP code, Postcode, Billing ZIP code, and Billing code that represent your permanent address. It is an easy number that can be remembered anytime due to reflection on your real address or existence but still, sometimes it doesn’t remind you due to a mix-up of many codes in mind.

How much time does the postal code require and when?

Several times, the postal code is called for a verification process because it is real evidence to check the identity. Those several times are:

  • At the very first time, you need to set a postal code for your debit card activation that is asked by the card provider so that they can send your card to your billing address. Postal code is a part of the billing address.
  • When you take out money through a debit card.
  • Before any purchase transaction requires a postcode.
  • When you log in to check the card transaction statement or take out the past details.
  • When you make payments of purchasing goods online with a debit card, you will need to enter your postal code for completing the billing process.

No other one should know about this code except the debit card use because it is not placed on a debit card anywhere due to not being a part of disclosure information. It is a piece of soft information that should be secured in your mind so that no one can steal.

Why is it important?

A Postal code is a security feature of a debit card that allows you to make purchase payments, get card transaction statements, and more. Without this code, no one can steal your bank money because it is like an entry-level password that is required to perform an activity with a debit card. You can also say a postal code is a security code that protects money inside your bank account.

Suppose, you have lost your debit card, in that case, no one can access your money without entering a postal code so don’t need to fear it if you can’t find your digital card anywhere or a thief has stolen but in that case, you have to inform immediately to your debit card provider or a financial institution from where you had issued the debit card so that they can close your debit card or stop the transaction.

Does the postal code appear on a debit card?

No, you can never find a postal code on a debit card, it is not written like a Personal Identification Number or Social Security Code. It reflects your residence address and it is made from your home street PINcode.

Who created the postal code?

Postal code is created for both digital cards ie. credit cards and debit cards. Both have postal codes for entry verification to do anything with a card.

The issuers of debit cards or credit cards create a postal code so that they can always remember. It is created from your state Pincode that represents your home address. It is easy to remember but sometimes it doesn’t remember at the time of making online purchase payments and checking the card past transaction details.

Why is it created?

Because of debit card security protection which is treated like private information that can’t be shared with anyone, even your closest one. Along with other crucial information about debit cards like Personal Identification Number, Permanent Account Number, and Social Security Number, also Postal Code is asked before using a debit card. It’s not hard to generate with your residence address and once it is created, you are eligible to use your debit cards anywhere for any purpose. In other words, a debit card can be used or run if you have a postal code.

How to remember the postal code if you forget?

As we said, a Postal Code is a private secure information that is considered as a passcode for a debit card so you can’t take it lightly and can’t take a risk of forgetting. Unfortunately, if you have forgotten your postal code and you want to remind again to continue with the old code, you can assume your postal code with a few options:

  • Remind code from your home address.
  • Remind code from City PIN code.
  • Also, remind your previous residence address.
  • Also, reach the bank’s website.

Also, contact your bank or debit card provider to take out a postal code technically by giving answers to security questions for identity confirmation. You also get your postal code if you give true information and proof as to the right user.

Once you remembered your postal code/zip code, write on your commercial diary and mobile phones to keep reminders.

What happens if you forget the Postal Code?

If you forgot the postal code, then you may bear penalties. Don’t miss a digital opportunity that is for a limited time on e-commerce and web platforms like getting a chance to purchase tickets on discounts, bills on discounts, and other benefits. Apart from online purchases, if you were late to pay the bills digitally due to missing the postal code, you can bear penalties, and also you will lose many other benefits that come with a debit card or credit card.

Important points

  • Require a postal code on debit cards but do not require a postal code on prepaid Visa debit cards or Visa gift cards.
  • Always record your debit card postal code in a safe place for future reminders.
  • Postal code contains 6 digital numbers to use to purchase a debit card but contains 4 digit numbers to use a prepaid Visa debit card.
  • When you are stuck remembering your postcode, you can go through the bank website or debit card issuer to collect code details after giving them proof that you are the actual user.
  • If you don’t use debit cards due to fear of forgetting a postal code/zip code or hacked debit card PIN. Using cash instead of a debit card, using cash is also not a safe part because most people have a fear of stealing cash from the thief. So using a debit card or credit card with a postcode can be more safer than using cash for making purchase payments or something else.
  • When you get your monthly bank statement from a credit union or bank, you should also check and identify how much you spent on purchases or paid expenses. This keeps you aware of fraudulent cases.
  • Should know the actual meaning of the Postal code that is associated with a debit card.
  • If you have suffered any fraud by hackers, make sure you have to be alert for the future and immediately check your bank statements for verification. If you find something wrong, you can make a direct call to your bank to stop transactions.
  • You can’t avoid the postcode to enter to use a debit code.
  • Don’t confuse in between Postcode and PIN, both have different numbers in length.
  • Shopping sites like Amazon, Flipkart and other e-commerce platforms also require to enter a postal code to use a debit card.

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